Wednesday 25 March 2015

Who I am

My name is Paul.
I started running in 2012 as a way to cope with some personal issues.
Before that I was a good 400m track runner at school, but not much more.
The last few years has proven to me that all that I learned from my days as a track athlete is ultimately transferable to longer distance running, specifically up to about 21.1km race distances.
Furthermore I am a bit of a shoe whore.
If I could run in a new pair every day I would, the brighter the better.
Over the last couple of years I have evolved from an out and out heel striking overpronator to midfoot striking runner that engages most of my weight on the ball of my foot, thus essentially a frontfoot runner according to videos I had analysed.
My best time on the halfmarathon was 1h52minutes earlier this year in Pietermaritzburg while the only marathon I've ever done was finished in 4h37minutes.
I hope to improve on that greatly since my first was done at a VERY comservative pace.
In about 3weeks time I will be running my first ultra marathon, the 52km Arthur Cresswell between Bergville and Ladysmith.
I aim to run that in as close to 5h12minutes as I can manage.
It will be a hard challenge, especially since I'm still carrying a knee injury making it hard to train, I will not stand back and make excuses if I make it to the starting line.
I've also lost both my training partners and that has also made quite a psychological impact.
But I have done the hard work.
Now I just need to rest and heel and keep up what I have built the past few months.

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