Thursday 26 March 2015

USN epic pro all in one

When it comes to fueling strategies during races I have tried a lot of things and, atleast with anything up to halfmarathons, I have found that it is just easier to drink whatever they give yoi along the way as long as it is not too sweet.
If the offer coke then mix it with either water or powerade/energade in a 1/1 ratio.
Eating anything is just taking a risk.
Anything longer though and hydration and eating something becomes vital.
I was lucky enough to finish my first maratjon without ever experiencing anything remotely like hitting a wall.
I had some stomach issues thanks to an untested product I risked using but otherwise everything went just fine.
I firmly believe this was because of the above mentioned USN product.
From 22-33mark I suffered some knee pain bit I never felt tired or like I didn't have enough in the tank to finish the race.
I even managed to sprint accross the finish line...and in little over an hour I finished a halfmarathon in a time nowhere near my worst time on that distance.
In 3 weeks time I will be doing the longest run i have done in a single stint and my USN is already ready and waiting.
I will report on how that went in a few weeks.

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